[issue 1: Re-knewing ]
A LOVER ONCE SAID, “Translation is an act of love. It’s like crossing a threshold, beginning a new cycle, words of faith whispered at the cusp of initiation, an invitation to feel the same.”
The multi-genre work included in our inaugural issue of *apo-press, Re-knewing, demonstrates a grammar of exchange: what it means to give in to change, to renewal, to memory, to make rituals out of moments & moments out of rituals. Like something of the past that continues to rework its way to the surface; or the past we sacrifice to the future. This collection brings together 41 creatives from 15 countries in 9 languages, & in the process, creates a liminal space of absolute possibility. Language & art as turf & terrain caught up in mineral sediment, much like the nutrient-rich detritus from which the verge is born anew. & in the gifts & exchanges forged around the globe (which are also on these pages) we are reminded that to begin is never to start without. Our community is an expansive rhizome--an endless & ancient kind of love.
The multi-genre work included in our inaugural issue of *apo-press, Re-knewing, demonstrates a grammar of exchange: what it means to give in to change, to renewal, to memory, to make rituals out of moments & moments out of rituals. Like something of the past that continues to rework its way to the surface; or the past we sacrifice to the future. This collection brings together 41 creatives from 15 countries in 9 languages, & in the process, creates a liminal space of absolute possibility. Language & art as turf & terrain caught up in mineral sediment, much like the nutrient-rich detritus from which the verge is born anew. & in the gifts & exchanges forged around the globe (which are also on these pages) we are reminded that to begin is never to start without. Our community is an expansive rhizome--an endless & ancient kind of love.
the logistics
Rights: Artists keep the copyright, but *apo- press requests that you please make sure the second publication provides a credit and link back, indicating that *apo- press was the first to publish.
Payment: collective.aporia is unable to pay contributors until official funding is obtained. We will update the community when we are able to secure funding.
Deadline: Rolling
Future publishing opportunities: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates on open reading periods for our publication.
Contributors: We accept work from all races, ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, sexualities, genders, religious affiliations, spiritual beliefs, abilities, ages, classes, education level, publishing experience, and citizenship statuses. We encourage submissions from, and hope to turn the mic up for, marginalized voices.
**We will never tolerate any type of hate speech, racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, bigotry, ableism, xenophobia, transphobia, or any other bullshit that harms others, sustains dominant social oppression, or in any way upholds or spreads the disease of kyriarchal tyranny.**
Payment: collective.aporia is unable to pay contributors until official funding is obtained. We will update the community when we are able to secure funding.
Deadline: Rolling
Future publishing opportunities: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates on open reading periods for our publication.
Contributors: We accept work from all races, ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, sexualities, genders, religious affiliations, spiritual beliefs, abilities, ages, classes, education level, publishing experience, and citizenship statuses. We encourage submissions from, and hope to turn the mic up for, marginalized voices.
**We will never tolerate any type of hate speech, racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, bigotry, ableism, xenophobia, transphobia, or any other bullshit that harms others, sustains dominant social oppression, or in any way upholds or spreads the disease of kyriarchal tyranny.**