![]() [collage by Shawnie Hamer] I write this today from the belly of a plane, which according to the news, is also the belly of the beast. I don’t think I need to tell you that it has been a trying cycle since the last full moon. Things have been...uncomfortable. Everything is churning, spreading— people, viruses, the first blossoms of spring. Watching the first stalks & branches pushing through the melting layers of earth can make us squirm as much as the thought of germs. Because this time symbolizes both death & life—a major dichotomy we are constantly (& arrogantly) trying to reckon. That being said, we couldn’t have better name for this full moon than the Worm Moon. Named by the Algonquian tribes, this moon represents the time when the snow melts and the worm casings are visible in the soil. Fun fact about me: worms are my #1 phobia. Since I was a little girl I have hated worms, so much so that my parents had to carry me up rainy, worm-ridden paths as a child (for longer than I’d like to admit, I’m afraid). As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized the importance of worms, & have developed immense respect for them. This is because they are symbols of (de)composition—they aerate the soil, helping new life to grow, & in the same breath, help breakdown the dead. But they still make me uneasy, & likely always will. They have a thankless job, I’ll give them that. They aren’t commonly loved or worshiped beings, but they push through, they dive deep, they help us sustain. Which is why it is so serendipitous that today’s full Worm Moon is in Virgo. Virgos aren’t the most loved sign in astrology, & are often given a harsh wrap. Many folks say that Virgos are difficult to deal with, but like the hardworking worm, they are only difficult because they are steadfast. They stay true to their purpose; they get shit done & will call you out when you don’t. While visiting my friend in Ireland this weekend, we talked about what a Virgo full moon means. We settled on the phrase, “To cut the fat.” But now that I think about it, a more accurate mantra for this moon would be “To burn the fat.” Virgo asks us to shine a bright, hot white light on our routines, habits, & work ethic, & fiercely shed the things that are holding us back. This moon is also a super moon, the first of three in 2020 & the second closest. Needless to say, this moon has BIG energy, & is demanding release. Like someone shining a flashlight in your eyes first thing in the morning, this request can be jarring (& a tad frustrating) but eventually our eyes focus, & we are able to tackle our purpose once more. The illumination is heightened tenfold by Mercury stationing direct today after a stint in retrograde. As Gala Mukomolova writes: Whether it's relief from feelings of political powerlessness or a chill that just won't leave your bones, there are messages coming to you on the tail end of a long gale. Messages from the stars, and messages you wrote down last month but misplaced, that mean to find you this month, just in time. Like Virgos, people like to give Mercury Rx a lot of grief, blaming it for miscommunication & misunderstanding. But, as life often teaches us, we have to be careful what we wish for. Because the universe has a dark sense of humor, not only are we emerging from Mercury Rx in direct, no bullshit, pragmatic Virgo, but our tarot card for this full moon is the Queen of Swords reversed. How do you deal with blunt, no holds barred honesty, dear reader? Some of us find it difficult to hear, but whether we like it or not, that is what is being given to us in this reading. When she is upright, the Queen of Swords is the open-hearted intellectual. She is straightforward & direct, but also flexible & open. Like a firm but loving mother, she doesn’t let you get away with a thing. She asks you to see yourself truly, weaknesses & all, to devise a new plan, & to execute it without excuses. Reversed, this card asks us to find the places where the balance between intellect & emotion are out of whack. While I would argue that emotions are a type of intellect, we can all admit that they get the best of us at times—as we have seen in this cycle of Mercury Rx during the beginning of watery, emotional Pisces season. I know I definitely had a few tears & hurt feelings over cancelled plans, miscommunications, & misdirected emotions the past couple of weeks. But we persevere. We push through the frozen soil. We grow anew. Our Virgo super moon/ Queen of Swords reversed asks us to shine a light on how we have succeeded, and how we have failed. It’s okay to be tough & honest with yourself here, actually it is expected, but be mindful not to get carried away. Move towards constructive criticism rather than personal degradation. Just because you make mistakes or even fail at tasks doesn’t make you a failure. It makes you a human with the capacity to grow & change, while gaining wisdom in the process. Which brings me to my last point: communication. The wisdom you gain from this cycle will be imperative to your relationships as move forward into Aries season—a season of action & fire. How can you burn the fat off of fluffy communication habits, both with yourself & with others, in order to honestly & lovingly ask for what you need? How can you translate this into fair delegation? How can you say “no” & mean it? How can you say “I will accomplish my goals” & really believe it? It will not be without hard work, that is for sure. But just remember: Beyoncé is a Virgo, & if we have learned anything from the Queen Bey, it is that the kind of hard work being asked of us by this Virgo super full moon and Queen of Swords reversed disrupts harmful systems & beliefs with a flare & ferocity people can’t help but bow down to. It is time for that big Queen energy, my friends, & while this kind of discipline might feel tough now, we will be so grateful to ourselves for getting trimmed & ready for the work to come. Bibliomancy | excerpt from Page 18 of The Book of Frank by CA Conrad Frank ate clear around
the sleeping worm of the apple "any life saved in this place is magic" Frank said "it's life coming back to you"
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